Feature Stories
Last modified in 2019.
Nomura Art Award
Emerging Artist Award
Last modified in 2019.
As a leading financial services group, born in the East and at home in the West, Nomura has a long legacy of taking on new challenges and embracing change. Dating back to its founding by Tokushichi Nomura II, an avid practitioner of the tea ceremony and supporter of Noh theater, the company also has a heritage of engagement with the arts.
In this spirit, Nomura is proud to inaugurate the Nomura Art Award in 2019, recognizing and encouraging the outstanding achievements and potential of today’s artists wherever they might live and work.
Nomura will present the Nomura Art Award, with a prize of US$1 million, to an artist who has achieved a body of work of major cultural significance. To help this artist take on new challenges and embrace change, the Award will support the creation of an ambitious new project that the winner did not previously have the means to realize.
In addition, Nomura will also present Emerging Artist Awards of US$100,000 each to two exceptional artists who are still at an early stage in their careers.
Last modified in 2019.
Nomura Art Award Jury
Allan Schwartzman
Founder and Principal of Art Agency, Partners and Chairman, Fine Arts Division of Sotheby’s
Last modified in 2019.
How the Award is Given
The recipient of the Nomura Art Award is chosen by an independent, international jury made up of some of the world’s most respected museum directors and curators, foundation leaders, and art experts.
Recipients of the Emerging Artist Awards are chosen by the jury from candidates suggested by a team of expert nominators, who remain anonymous to preserve their independence.
The two artists chosen to receive the first Emerging Artist Awards will be announced at an inaugural ceremony in Kyoto in May 2019. The recipient of the first Nomura Art Award will be announced at a gala event in Shanghai in October 2019.
No applications are accepted for these Awards, and all decisions by the jury are final.
Art Agency, Partners, a division of Sotheby’s, serves as an advisor to the Award.
Last modified in 2019.
Media Releases
- Nomura Presents US$1 Million Nomura Art Award to Renowned Colombian Artist Doris Salcedo(PDF 40KB)
- Nomura Announces Inaugural Winners of US$100,000 Emerging Artist Awards(PDF 35KB)
- Nomura Announces the Creation of the Nomura Art Award, a US$1 Million Prize to Nurture Creativity in Contemporary Art(PDF 30KB)